Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Day 3

Today's BabyStep: Do what you have already done

Thank goodness for that! I don't know that I could handle another new babystep today. I forgot to turn on the dishwasher last night, which meant I had no dishes to put away this morning. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to fit two days worth of dishes in, but luckily it worked out. It really helped that last night was leftovers, so I had some extra space. On top of my morning misstep, I was diagnosed with pneumonia so I haven't been feeling very energetic. I'm on some killer antibiotics and should be start feeling better soon.

On a happy note, I found my HRM (it was in my gym bag in my car!) But I think working out will have to wait a few more days.

Now I'm off to put myself to bed at a decent hour. As if I had a choice - I fell asleep while DH was preparing dinner & DD was playing ON me!

Tomorrow for dinner: homemade mac-n-cheese & ham steak.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Day 2

Today's BabyStep: Get dressed to lace up shoes.

Whoops. This one is trickier than I thought it would be. Mostly because I get up very early in the morning. Now, I don't get up very early in the morning because I AM a morning, I get up very early in the morning because I am most definitely NOT a morning person, and it takes me hours to get going. Once awake, I can be ready in 20 minutes. But it takes me two hours to wake up. The glitch in getting dressed to the shoes comes from the fact that we have a small house (I may have mentioned this before), and when one has a small home noise can be an issue. I do not want to wake my DD before I have woken up myself, and if I make too much noise in the morning, she will wake up. So I strive to be as quiet as possible in the morning. Look at me - day 2 and I am already making excuses!!!! So, I will quietly get dressed to the slippers in the morning. If I end up waking DD up before I am ready for her, I shall just send her over to the FlyLady until I am ready to face the day.

I also managed to gather my towels together for a mid workweek load of laundry. I shall pile it on my bed so that I have to put them away before going to sleep. No wait, can't do that as there are those who know that I am perfectly capable of crawling under the covers, towels and all, and proceed to sleep. I shall just have to be a grown up about it and actually put the towels away when they are done in the dryer. (Ed. Note: Laundry was put away long before bed time:)

Looks like we are in the living room this week. That should be easy as we tend to clean this every day anyway - it is DD's main play space. Being a small room (a recurring theme) it really does not take long to maintain. We also dine in our living room, and because DD can reach everything on the table now, we keep it clear of clutter. Or rather, DD keeps our table clear of clutter.

Goal for this week: find other flyblogs. I am curious as to what my flysisters are up to! Also: find HRM - I've got the newo system, I know where the discs are, but the HRM is mysteriously missing. Hmmm, maybe I am subconsciously sabotaging my fitness efforts.

For dinner tomorrow: DH will be preparing lamb. Hmm, probably should pull the lamb from the freezer so that it will be ready for DH to magic into a delicious meal.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Day 1

Today's Babystep: Go shine your sink.

Yeah - did that! My kitchen is small. If I don't stay on top of the dirty dishes, then I literally have no room to move. In order to keep my sink shiny, I need to empty my dishwasher on a daily basis. I try to do this every morning while I'm waiting for the water for my tea to heat. Sometimes I can finish before the water comes to a boil! It becomes my own little race - which will happen first - boiling water or the last dish put away? (It sounds more exciting when I'm still half asleep as I usually am first thing in the morning!) I am beginning to find that if I don't empty the dishwasher in the morning, it throws the rest of my day off. Maybe it is becoming a HABIT!

This has been easy to do this last week as I was on Spring Break. But tomorrow, it is back to work. The question becomes: Will I be able to maintain my lovely, shiny sink after spending an entire day chasing 18 children?

Tomorrow's dinner menu: Leftovers (got lots of 'em - they need to go so I can make room for groceries).

Friday, March 27, 2009

The Beginning

Let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start! Instead of reading however, it is the beginning of my Flying journey. Again. You see, I'm a Fluttering FlyBaby. For those of you who are familiar with the FlyLady, you'll understand what I mean. (For those who don't understand, please visit www.flylady.net - link is on the right of this page).

I have known about the FlyLady for a few years now, but I have never been able to get myself with the program for any length of time. I think I got as far as Baby Step 8 once! This time however, I want it to be different. I'm tired of living in CHAOS (Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome). I know that I'm a perfectionist and a procrastinator. I also work full-time outside of the home, I'm a wife, and a mother of a toddler (DD 18 months). I tend to get over-excited about new projects and go overboard, only to crash and burn soon after.

One of my new projects has been writing. I realize I will probably never be a NYT bestselling author. But it finally dawned on me that I don't need to have a book deal in order to write. So I started writing. Mostly online, and no money has come in yet, but I am writing. As I have been writing, I have discovered that when I write that I am going to DO something, I am actually FOLLOWING THROUGH with whatever I have written down. This means of course, it is time to write down my intentions for home.

I am going to begin with the Baby Steps. I can do this, 15 minutes at a time :) !